2nd GSBO Seminar Kicks Off in Mexico City: A Space for Organizational Transformation 

2nd GSBO Seminar Kicks Off in Mexico City: A Space for Organizational Transformation 

/ Sector / Museu / Arxiu / Retail / Oficina / Educaciço & Bilbioteca / Actualitat / Seminari

Sandetel Implements an Innovative Smart Locker Solution in Collaboration with Eqpro and Magtel

Sandetel Implements an Innovative Smart Locker Solution in Collaboration with Eqpro and Magtel

/ Sector / Oficina / Projectes

Milestones that have marked our path: teamwork, growth, and collaboration

Milestones that have marked our path: teamwork, growth, and collaboration

/ Sector / Museu / Arxiu / Retail / Oficina / Educaciço & Bilbioteca / Actualitat

We bid farewell to a year that has been special for many reasons 

We bid farewell to a year that has been special for many reasons 

/ Actualitat

Basque Film Archive: state of the art equipment at the heart of Basque Cinema 

Basque Film Archive: state of the art equipment at the heart of Basque Cinema 

/ Sector / Arxiu / Projectes / EUN Talks

GSBO2 will take place on February 18, 19, and 20, 2025! 

GSBO2 will take place on February 18, 19, and 20, 2025! 

/ Actualitat

The EUN marketing process: A holistic approach to success 

The EUN marketing process: A holistic approach to success 

/ Projectes

Casa Lamm to Host GSBO2: Conferences on Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Mexico City 

Casa Lamm to Host GSBO2: Conferences on Libraries, Archives, and Museums in Mexico City 

/ Esdeveniments

The Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico Modernises its Archive in Tlalnepantla to Improve Service 

The Judicial Branch of the State of Mexico Modernises its Archive in Tlalnepantla to Improve Service 

/ Sector / Arxiu / Oficina / Projectes

Successful Euskalit 5S Club Event at EUN: A Recognition of Excellence 

Successful Euskalit 5S Club Event at EUN: A Recognition of Excellence 

/ Actualitat

EUN Drives Innovation and Sustainability with Lean and Kaizen Tools for Manufacturing 4.0 

EUN Drives Innovation and Sustainability with Lean and Kaizen Tools for Manufacturing 4.0 

We’ve earned 5S Gold status for the sixth time! 

We’ve earned 5S Gold status for the sixth time! 

/ Actualitat

Long-term commitment to sustainability: key to ensuring future success

Long-term commitment to sustainability: key to ensuring future success

/ Actualitat

The second edition of the Growing Spaces for Better Organisations seminar scheduled for Mexico in January 

The second edition of the Growing Spaces for Better Organisations seminar scheduled for Mexico in January 

/ Sector / Altres Sectors / Museu / Arxiu / Retail / Oficina / Educaciço & Bilbioteca / Seminari

Libraries of the future will need to be dynamic spaces that evolve with the communities they serve

Libraries of the future will need to be dynamic spaces that evolve with the communities they serve

/ Sector / Educaciço & Bilbioteca / Productes