Sustainable design, manufacturing, supply and management come together to strengthen the economic, environmental and social sustainability of EUN, the customers who rely on our products and services, and the planet.
Quick ROI solutions for customers.
Speed and precision in user management.
Financially sound project with profits continuously reinvested in the business.
User security.
Remuneration policy that guarantees internal equity and external competitiveness.
Equality policy.
Company environmental certifications: ISO 14001:2015, ISO 14006:2020.
Product environmental certifications: ISO 14025:2010, ISO 14040:2006/A1:202, ISO 14044:2006.
Investment in eco-efficient machinery.
Annual reduction in energy required for production processes.
Use of renewable energies.
Annual decrease in packaging material.
+ 2.500.000 m2 of construction saved thanks to space optimization.
+ 1,000,000 kWh/year saved by eco-efficient lighting of storage furniture.